We rely on our feet for thousands of steps each day, so you shouldn’t just ignore the signs of a problem in your feet. But what types of signs or symptoms suggest a person would benefit from a consultation with a foot and ankle specialist? In today’s blog, we take a closer look at some of the symptoms or issues that suggest your problem would best be handled by an orthopedic foot specialist.
When Should I See A Foot Specialist
If you are dealing with any of the following foot issues, don’t put off treatment any longer. Set up an appointment with an orthopedic specialist near you and begin treatment. If you don’t, odds are pain and discomfort will only intensify as time goes on, and waiting to treat these issues can make your eventual treatment less effective. Here are five signs or symptoms that suggest you’d benefit from an orthopedic consultation.
- Pain Keeps Returning - If your pain or discomfort becomes chronic, it’s a sign that you should visit a foot specialist. Pain is considered chronic when you’ve been dealing with it for longer than six weeks. That can mean six straight weeks of dull pain, or discomfort that ebbs and flows with good and bad days but never totally resolves. If pain stays with you or keeps coming back every couple of weeks, set up an appointment with a foot specialist and get to the heart of your issue.
- Pain Intensifies - If your foot and ankle pain gets worse over time, you should really visit an orthopedic specialist. If you suffer an acute injury like an ankle sprain or a stubbed toe, pain is typically worse at the outset and then fades as time goes on. However, if pain remains at a constant level or it actually gets worse, there’s more going on than meets the eye, and you’ll want a professional to provide a diagnosis.
- Visible Deformity - It may sound obvious that you’ll want to have any visible deformities addressed by a foot and ankle specialist, but many people don’t see deformities as an issue if the problem is asymptomatic. If it’s not causing pain or discomfort, they don’t think it warrants attention. But if you ignore this issue, it’s likely only going to get worse, become symptomatic and then it’s oftentimes harder to treat. Conditions like flexible hammertoes or asymptomatic bunions should at least be documented and monitored by a foot specialist in case intervention is recommended.
- Limiting Your Physical Capabilities - If foot discomfort is keeping you from doing activities that you once loved to do, you should strongly consider visiting a foot and ankle specialist. You shouldn’t have to settle when it comes to your activities and independence, so if fear of foot pain is causing you to shy away from certain activities, speak with a foot specialist.
- Not Responding To Treatment - Finally, if you’ve been pursuing conservative treatments for a foot condition and you’re not seeing improvements, it’s time to get a professional involved. Maybe you’re treating the wrong underlying condition, or perhaps there are more effective methods that are being overlooked. An orthopedic specialist can tailor a care plan to your individual needs so that treatment has the best chance of alleviating your discomfort.
If you’re dealing with any of the five above issues, or you just want a professional to take a look at your foot and provide you with a diagnosis, reach out to the team at The Centers For Advanced Orthopaedics today.